Answered Prayer

We would love to hear how God has answered the prayers you have prayed at the Milwaukee House of Prayer! Use this form to share the good news with us! We may post what you share on this website, in our update emails, and on social media, so do not share personal information. Let us know in the message if you’d like to be kept anonymous.

Continue reading to other answers to prayer those in the MHOP community have experienced!

  • Abigail

    “After prayer I toured the house, being at a specific prayer station revealed that I was carrying some very painful baggage. I personally thought that I was going to leave with the same baggage I came with because I had been there for awhile and we all were preparing to leave, but God had other plans. I received Freedom! I forgave myself and my hardened heart for disappointments, failures, sin, resentment etc- it all finally broke.”

  • Jason

    "I feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit really strong in the House of Prayer. I usually get a word from God, someone gives me a legitimate answer to my prayers, or I get a word for someone else. This place is power. Thanks Darnell and Donna for your obedience to set it up.”

  • Eileen

    “I asked for a while why I was still living in Milwaukee and not until I found HOP did I understand part of my purpose. I'm here to pray over the city in unity with my brothers and sister in Christ and to help transform MKE through prayer.”

  • Ryan

    “We’ve seen bullets fly and drop to the ground before it could hit our house due to prayer!”

  • Connie

    “My experience at the house of prayer is something amazing. He touched my heart- He's just so wonderful and awesome, it's like supernatural, it's a fire I have within me, God really and truly touched me like never before! Wow!!! It's a peace and joy that's within me. The House of Prayer is totally anointed, I give God the glory for who He is!”

  • Courtney

    It was three years ago- I needed the Lord to turn my life around. I needed God to turn a bad situation into a miracle. My mom received a phone call from Ms. Donna inviting her to a house of prayer session. I remember like it was yesterday. Saturday April 29th, 2017 was the day that I ran to God. It was the day prayer changed my life forever. Not only did God change my situation around He also brought me closer to Him.

  • Nick

    “Although I lost my teaching job, I was blessed with an essential worker position in the deli of Piggly Wiggly. Upon this job blessing, this verse rings true,

    “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6 The Message (MSG) “

  • Darnell

    “In the closing of 2020, we now have a better understanding of the numbers 20/20 and the word "mirrors" heard by several individuals during prayer. We are to see the world through the eyes of Jesus, our feelings, emotions, actions and character was challenged and strengthened to reflect the Holy Trinity here on earth. In 2020 we were stretched and strained to listen more carefully, see the good in others, weep for the weak, acknowledge the darkness within and repent, be more thankful and grateful, take nothing for granted and trust in the LORD with more of our heart than ever. "We now have more muscles, we are more toned, in shape for 2021." “

  • Minnie

    “God has blessed me with a deeper intimacy with him and taken me to higher heights since praying and being involved there. God has ignited my passion to intercede for my City and the families in Milwaukee.”

  • Nick

    “A sister from Madison spoke a prophetic word- “Selah”- over me... The day before Darnell asked me to make Selah word Art! “